The past few years, I've been fascinated by things out of the ordinary. What I mean by this, are things like UFO accounts, conspiracy theories, things like this. So, I thought I'd make a post on some of the more compelling pieces of evidence,(not hillbilly accounts) of strange goings on. Approach with an open mind, don't watch these videos expecting them to be auto-fake. Remember, it is not ignorance, but falsely gained knowledge that restrains us. And also keep in mind I don't show these thinking everything within them is unexplainable. I post them because they make me think, and when something sparks a thourough thought proccess, you are the first step of the way to seeing "the bigger picture."
IMPORTANT: I'm not saying any of this is solid proof of aliens. I'm saying there is more to our bubble of "normality" than meets the eye.
First up, some mass UFO sightings...
Now, this video, shows strange goings on including ufo's, unexplainable atmospheric phenomena, and an eerie phone call...
Now, all footage in this video is undisputable, as far as what we see is what actually happened, goes.
The only things in the video that can be question is the origin of what is being seen. The Mexico mass sighting was a pretty massive thing for Mexico. We didn't hear about it in USA or UK much, because apparantly the media tried to stiffle it, but it had the country in an uproar, because the small red lights were visible ALL over the country. Literally, hundreds of these things all over the place, then, poof, they vanish. Later I'll post a video using information gained from certain US documents that the wikileaks sight obtained based on this subject.
Another thing in this video that tickled my fancy was the strange light in Jerusalem. I'm not religious, but the fact the light appeared over that important religious sight is I admit, somewhat curiosity-inducing. What I really like though, is how it was taken from 4 different angles. Clearly what is being seen, is not something "normal" as far as our technology goes. Or at least, of the technology we are made publicly aware of..
The strange spirals in all those parts of the world that this video shows, interest me also. I read somewhere once a few years ago, when one first appeared over Russia, that it was a missle. However, there was never an explosion, and the missile was never seen, same with the other incidents, and this missile theory was abandoned. So, who knows what those things are?
One last thing I wanna point out also, is the conversation at the end. Now, I'm no actor myself, but I could pretty well tell that the guy on the phone wasn't acting. The things he is mentioning have recently been brought to peoples attention, in several conspiracy theories involving certain groups wanting to limit our population to around 1 million so we are easy to control. The fact he said these things in 1997 WAY before these conspiracies even came about, holds weight with me. The fact he got cut out like that is also suspicious. It could be coincidence of course, but that would have to be the BIGGEST coincidence in the world ever. What he says about extra dimensional beings, of course, will sound strange at first, but if there is one thing I have learnt, we are pre-conditioned by our own society to instantly laugh off anything unknown, foreign, and out of the norm. Scientifically speaking, certain ranges of physics REQUIRE 10 dimensions.
Next, I want to show some NASA footage. I feel these are important because they obviously aren't tampered with, and most of them were taken through hacking, leaks, and other accidental means.
This tether is roughly 12km long if I recall correctly. It broke out in space, and straightened out. I don't know if that is normal or not, but I'm guessing. Now, the things floating around, move behind the tether at times. If they move behind the tether and are taking up 1/4 of it's size, that gives some scale of their MINIMUM size. Now, many explanations for this include "That stuff was dust in the lense.", "That stuff is debris from the tether!", "It's space rocks and ice pfft...". So I ask you this..
If it is dust in the lense, how does it travel BEHIND the tether? And why did this dust only magically appear when the tether broke?
If those things are bits of ice, or space rock, or whatever, why are they all similarly shaped? Why do they all suddenly appear at once?
If it is debris from the tether, why is it all only moving left and right, and not in the same direction, AWAY from the camera, with the tether? In space, as most will know, you keep your momentum. Meaning, if something snapped off the tether, it will keep moving in the direction it was catapulted, and never slow down, or change course, until some other force interferes, like gravity. Some of these things slow down, or speed up, some disappear suddenly. Interestingly enough, these same shapes have been filmed in our own atmosphere. I can't find the videos right now, but this things isn't the first case of these "UFO"s. Now remember, UFO means unidentified flying object, not flying saucer. To me, these things look organic somewhat. Naturally, there may be a realistic explanation for this, but you can't deny, even if you are a mega skeptic, that this video is interesting.
Some final things
This video is a lot longer, you probably wont want to watch it all now after reading all this :P (That is, if you DID read all this) but PLEASE, watch it at some point. It contains important information. It shows interviews with some ex-astronaughts and other government type workers, giving their accounts of strange encounters. BUT fear not skeptics, it also has lots of footage of UFOs, strange occurances such as the tether incident, and looks into them. It starts off a bit slow, but the video is definately worth the full watch. It is what leads many skeptics to start researching the whole UFO thing more seriously than just a few unreliable grainy videos. One of the biggest components of the video, is a group called "The Disclosure Project". They are a group of around 40 ex-government workers. They hold documents, photographs, stuff like this of "black projects" and apparant US involvment with extra terrestrials. Now, the weight of this is important. They banded together for fear if they spoke openly of these things on their own, they would "vanish"(as some people actually have in the past).
My favourite quote from this video: "Absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence"..
I hope you at least find these things interesting. I'm not asking you to believe or disbelieve as I don't instinctively believe everything I see in these videos to be supernatural or extra terrestrial. Though, I hope these things help open your mind some, as they sure did for me. The first stage to realising the ACTUAL truth is to disregard bias and skeptisism that we currently possess.
Then maybe, we can sifle through the chaf, and find the grains of truth that we have hunted for so long. I will make more posts with related material.
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