There are a lot of differing opinions out there, but most people find any one of their opinions can be similar enough to that of someone else's to make a friendly connection with them.
One such incidence is the 9/11 terrorist attacks. I didn't know this until recently, but the people who believe it was a conspiracy theory are now called "Truthers". Self titled I believe. Now this is great and all, but the moment you label something you give people more shit to release on your head.
The conspiracy theory surrounding 9/11 has become a war of duality. Either it was all a conspiracy and nothing is as it seems, or everything was exactly as we saw on the T.V, and it was a genuine terrorist attack. I myself, don't take into account opinions, "official" reports, or televised accounts from engineers of whether or not it was a fix. There is a reason for this.
Those from the UK may recall several years ago, a drink called "Ribena Toothkind" was brought out. It claimed to be scientifically proven by credible sources to be better for teeth than water. This was a bold and impressive claim, considering water is like the James Bond of tooth-accompaniment. No one questioned the validity of this claim, and when we saw the advert showing in a graph just how much better for your teeth it was, everyone nodded in approval. Nowadays, you are more likely to see everyone murmur "Seems legit." Anyways, after some time, a shocking news story came out saying "Ribena Tooth Kind is worse for your teeth than coca cola". And that shit rots teeth over night. It's like Safe-For-Work acid.
"The British Dental Association!? By golly Watson, it MUST be true!"
This little scandal is one of the few "brought-to-light" scenarios where a claim has been immediately believed by the general public just because it was on the T.V, or in a newspaper, or told by someone "official". As long as we hear it from a scientist or someone famous, we beleive whatever we hear.
This is a little disconcerting, and just an example of why I don't take what I hear on face value very often. I mean, logically speaking, how many countless situations must there be where we are lied to and we don't even consider this? Food ingredients, very probable they lie. They often keep their "secret" ingredients a secret, and as for food colouring and flavouring, sweetners, preservatives etc, we have no idea what they are actually made from.
So, you will forgive me when I say, the words of official corporations means just as much to me as any average Joe.
Now, back on topic. The Truthers I mentioned earlier are often shunned with claims by the anti-conspirers about how official scientists and these big important coorperations and several "well respected engineers" have said "Yes, it's all perfectly feasable. 9/11 was a terrorist attack!". Fair enough, might be enough for some people, but I know better than to accept what I'm given.
The Truthers generally disregard this also. The reason I had to make clear why I disregard it, is because people who don't like the conspiracy side of things say "Truthers ignore facts and official statements!". Wrong. They take it with a pinch of salt, because let us say 9/11 was a government job beyond disputable truth. Surely, if they have the power to do something like that, they can get a guy to say to a camera "It's all true, super strength metals can be bent at a fraction of their bending temperatures!". I should also point out, I'm NOT a Truther. The Truthers have a sitgmatism stuck to them thanks to the fact that they are now labelled, meaning anything they say or believe is rediculous.(In some peoples eyes)
Now, I call this "Too many chefs spoil the soup" for the following reasons. Truthers, in their quest for honesty and truth, have shown tremendous amounst of evidence against the government. I mean, if you really research it, there are so many inconsistancies, errors, miscalculations, lies, videos, pictures and common sense foolishness to make the most reasoned of us wilt a little. BUT! As with all conspiracies, believing in one thing, or finding one bit of evidence makes everything that follows auto-fact. Some clever guys rally up lots of evidence and interesting facts, and a bunch of people come rushing in, naming themselves Truthers, and spewing videos on youtube that consist of a slowed down news video, claiming it is undisputable proof. Too many chefs enter the kitchen. They spoil that fucking amazing soup, overloading it with uneeded ingredients, hiding out the PURE gems the previous chefs added to the concoction.
So, the anti-conspirers latch onto the idiocracy-side of the conspiracy arguments, drowning out the valid side. I myself have heard structural engineers in real life tell me they know for a FACT the towers couldn't of BOTH buckled from one plane exploding. There would not be enough heat, and if there was ever enough heat it would of been the initial explosion from the planes crashing into the towers, and the tower would of buckled at THAT instant. Though, no one will ever beleive this because these guys are just average Joes. And apparantly, being a normal person with no fame means you are also stupid. Who'da thunk?
I leave you with this!
Open minded folk(Not truthers) work with the evidence. Anti-Conspirers work with what they think is proof. Proof? No no. That guy in the lab coat with glasses using his vocal chordes and mouth in tandem with his tounge is not proof. Spend years getting a structural engineering degree. Build a replica of the towers. Fly a plane into the side of it, record the result, and THEN you have undeniable "proof". Until then, everything is just evidence, and evidence can be disputed, interpretated, tampered with, and fabricated. Proof is undeniable and undesputable fact.
This is very important, for BOTH sides of the argument to understand.
"Anti-Conspirers work with what they think is proof. Proof? No no. That guy in the lab coat with glasses using his vocal chordes and mouth in tandem with his tounge is not proof. Spend years getting a structural engineering degree. Build a replica of the towers. Fly a plane into the side of it, record the result, and THEN you have undeniable "proof". Until then, everything is just evidence, and evidence can be disputed, interpretated, tampered with, and fabricated. Proof is undeniable and undesputable fact." <=== How right you are. So many people could easily tamper with the videos they try to say is proof or when a TRUTHERS get a tampered video and claim it as their proof and when they find out that the shit has been tampered with they look even dumber then usual.