Tuesday, 15 November 2011


Quote of the moment:

"Peace can not be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

I hope when people read this quote they truely understand what it means, as it doesn't just relate to war.
Something I always said, was that to truely understand someone, you need to realise that you will NEVER understand them.Which brings me to -

The word of the moment:

"Egocentrism: The lack of ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes." - We are all egocentric at birth. Children hit people and don't understand it hurts them as they aren't feeling the pain themselves. We eventually grow out of it though..to a degree. Egocentrism is the reason most arguments and squabbles occur. In arguments both sides think they are right, and the other side is wrong. Like an "I'm the good guy, you are the bad guy" type of scenario. However, if they understood fully the other persons feelings, they wouldn't be arguing at all.

This quote and this word go hand in hand. It does the world of good when you are able to step back and TRUELY try to understand anothers perspective, by understanding you can't fully understand without actually being that person. You can get in a different car, but it will still be the same driver behind the wheel. At least, knowing this will let you understand that much more though.

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